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Other interpersonal/Leadership Experience:

May 1993     Master Print Marketing Corporation, Newport, MA

                      Sales Representative.

                      Made successful presentations of goods, took orders.

                      Recognized twice as an outstanding representative

1987-1989     Captain of University Handball Team, Moscow

                      Led the team to two consecutive victories in the Regional


Профессионалы высокого класса обычно претендуют на вполне определенную должность, которая должна быть указана с мотивацией, почему автор считает, что он достоин занять эту должность.

Золотое правило:

Правильная мотивация – залог успеха.

Пример 4. Программист/ Programmer


8 Plane Avenue, 12345 Toronto, Tel.: (123) 456 567 789

OBJECTIVE To contribute my programming knowledge to a corporation that will encourage technical and professional growth.



Software C++, ActivX, Java, HTML, Algol, Kobol, Fortran, MS-Office, Word Perfect, CAD


Problem Analysis, Basic and Advanced Programming, Designed Techniques in On-Line and Batch Processing, Dumps and Debugging and Management Utilities, System Maintenance, Multiple Error Analysis.


1989– 1993 MIT, Boston, MA

                      Diploma in Computer Programming

                      Honors Student, Programming Tutor

1983-1988 Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

                      MS in Mathematics and Computer Science

                      Honor Student


1993– present Toronto University, Computer Research Center

                      Programmer in Web-Site Design,

                      Senior Programmer in Internet Division from 1995


Gold Medal for the Best Work in CAD

Canadian Academy of Computer Science


American Computer Society

Canadian Academy of Computer Science


Managing INTERNET– based companies.

Canadian College for Management, 1999

Пример 5. Координатор производства и маркетинга/ Manufacturing and Marketing Coordinator


12 Kelvin Street, 12345 Colorado, Tel.: (123)345 567 789

e-mail: [email protected]



SUMMARY 10 years’ experience in competitive design and marketing of …………………… Highly expert in close coordination of marketing and manufacturing divisions. Demonstrated excellence in supervision of design staff and management of …… Possess conceptual acuity in interpreting customers ideas into salable products.


1990– present GOLD PRINT DESIGN Ltd., Colorado

                      Corporate Design Director

Direct design and merchandising of domestic and international line of…….., with corporate volume of $30 million.

Maintain close and constant communications with marketing executives in establishing achievement of marketing plans

Coordinate manufacturing and marketing divisions for most effective production of seasonal and standard merchandise.

Manage Colorado office, Design Department and all administrative functions for International Division

Maintain retail-client relations in the field of determination of local regional taste and demand

Initiate use of available machinery to produce new lines

Helped company maintain strong market position in recessional climate

Also carried full responsibilities of Senior Design and Merchandising Coordinator (see below)

1995-1990 Senior Design and Merchandise Coordinator

Researched market for merchandise mix and capacity for introduction of GOLD PRINT DESIGN products in particular stores and locales.

1992-1995 Design and Merchandise Coordinator

Dealt directly with national chain store accounts in development of private-label lines

Established input into models and colors from result of market research

1989-1992   PUBLICUS CORPORATION, New Jersey


Design and merchandised PUBLICUS product line

Improved coordination between Design, Production, Planning

and Manufacturing Divisions

Developed new scale specification to increase marketability


1985-1989 Moscow Institute of Technology and Design, Russia



4. Некоторые примеры деловой переписки

Сопроводительное письмо к контракту

Цель сопроводительного письма к контракту – чисто правовая. Поскольку все контракты должны быть посланы как минимум заказной почтой, то очень часто срок действия контракта начинается с момента получения письма. Такое письмо содержит очень краткое изложение сути контракта, который прилагается к указанному письму. В конце такого письма весьма уместно будет выразить надежду на взаимовыгодное сотрудничество.

Пример 1.

Сопроводительное письмо к контракту.

Dear Mr. Bull

Upon acceptance of this letter, Lexis Inc. hereby authorizes Worldword Ltd. to sell portable electronic vocabulary through its local retail distribution channels.

Worldword Ltd. agrees to abide by all trademarks and licensing arrangements as set forth by Lexis Inc. in the enclosed contract.

In order to finalize this acceptance, this contract must be signed by an appropriate agent of Worldword Ltd. and returned to Lexis Inc. by November 22, 2004.

Thank you for your immediate attention to the enclosed. We look forward to a beneficial working relationship with you and Worldword Ltd.


ПодписьM. MatroskinVice– PresidentLexis Inc.


Прекращение контракта

Письмо о прекращении контракта пишется по такой же схеме, как и предыдущее, и имеет такое же правовое значение. Обычно условия прекращения контракта обсуждаются заранее и записываются специальным разделом в тексте контракта. Вид почтового отправления (заказное, экспресс-почта, курьерская доставка и пр.) для сопроводительных писем к контракту обычно указан в контракте.

Пример 2. Письмо с уведомлением о прекращении действия контракта.

Dear Mr. Bull

With this letter we hereby terminate the agreement between Worldword Ltd. and Lexis Inc. to sell portable electronic vocabulary in its local retail channels.

Upon acceptance of this letter, Worldword Ltd. will immediately cease selling all of Lexis Inc. product, and return to Lexis Inc. any leftover product remaining in Worldword Ltd.

Any authorized sale of Lexis Inc. product after acceptance of the terms of this agreement will constitute fraud and trademark violations for which Worldword shall be fully liable.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this letter.

ПодписьK.Matroskin,Managing DirectorLexis Inc.

Благодарность партнерам по бизнесу

В бизнесе встречаются такие ситуации, когда Вам хотелось бы поблагодарить ваших партнеров за хорошую работу. В этом случае уместно будет послать письмо такого содержания.

Пример 3. Письмо с благодарностью партнерам по бизнесу.

Dear Mrs Brown

I am writing this note to express my gratitude for your patronage over the past 10 months.

We truly appreciate your business and know our working relationship will continue to be successful in years to come.

We would also like to inform you that it has been a great pleasure to work with Mrs. Ann Smith. Her commitment and professional advice have been of great help while working on this project.

Thank you.

With my best regards,

ПодписьVladimir SergeevPresidentLexis’Ca Ltd.

Пример 4. Письмо с извинением за задержку с ответом.

Dear Mr. Burlington,

Please accept my apologies for not having answered your letter earlier. I have just got back from a trip abroad and found your letter awaiting me here. I will go carefully into the matter you mentioned and will write to you again in a few days.

Sincerely yours,

ПодписьIvan BuninMarketing DirectorLinsa International Inc.

Пример 5. Просьба о продлении визы.

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to apply for a residence permit which will allow me to stay in the USA until September 30, 2004.

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation and I am at present studying English language and literature at the University of North Carolina. I originally came to the USA for only 23 months (I arrived on June 1, 2004) but I should now like to stay longer to take the Cambridge Certificate of Business English.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to tell me what documents, if any, I have to present, or what other steps I have to take, on order to gain a residence permit for the period I have mentioned.

Yours faithfully,

ПодписьStepan Egorov

Пример 6. Положительный ответ на приглашение.

Dear Mr. Wilkinson

Thank you for your invitation to the XII Computer Workshop hosted by Macro-Micro Chip Corporation on December 1.

I’m happy to inform you that employees of Hard Software Development will be in attendance. Could I ask you, please, to send more information about this workshop directly to my attention at the address listed below.

For your information, Mr. Henry Clinton, Head of the Software Department and Mr. David Socks, Senior Manager of the Hardware Department will be attending both the 10 am luncheon and following workshop.

As mentioned in your letter, this is an excellent opportunity to enhance our working relationship. We look forward to it!


ПодписьR. Superstarov,Head of Personnel DepartmentHard Software Development

Пример 7. Отрицательный ответ на приглашение.

Dear Mr Wilkinson

I regret very much not being able to accept your kind invitation to deliver a speech on management development at our annual International Alumni Meeting in Lausanne due to prior arrangements.

If you should need a substitute speaker, please call me on Monday and I will only be too glad to make some suggestions to you.

Thank you very much again for your kind invitation

Sincerely yours,

Lyudmila Paramonova

Пример 8. Ответ на полученное резюме.

Dear Mrs. Battler

I have received your resume and would be happy to review qualifications for a position with TransAtlantic Aviation.

Would you please, complete the attached Personal Data Sheet and return it in the envelope provided. We appreciate your interest in our company and look forward to hearing from you soon.


ПодписьM. Gribov,Personnel Department Manager

Пример 9. Положительная рекомендация.

To whom it may concern

Mrs G. Arkhipova

Mrs G. Arkhipova worked with our company as Marketing Manager in our Software Department during the period from September 1, 1999 through July 31, 2004.

We always found Mrs. Arkhipova to be reliable in her work, highly trustworthy and personable.

Mrs. Arkhipova attended several courses and in-house training session on her own initiative.

Her substantial contribution to the company product line improvement helped to make our software more customers oriented.

Her ability to work in team gained his respect to all and made constructive results possible.

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