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Читем онлайн Цель и средства. Политика США в отношении России после «холодной войны» - Джеймс Голдгейер








Fact Sheet G-7/8 Kananaskis Summit Day One — U.S. Accomplishments. White House, Office of the Press Secretary. — June 27, 2002 (www.whitehouse.gov/ news/releases/2002/06/20020627-8.html [July 2003]). — P. 1.


Fact Sheet G-7/8 Kananaskis Summit Day One — U.S. Accomplishments. White House, Office of the Press Secretary. — June 26, 2002 (www.whitehouse.gov/ news/releases/2002/06/20020626-ll.html [July 2003]). — P. 1.


Interview of the National Security Adviser by ITAR-TASS, circulated on Johnson's Russia List, no 7064. — February 16, 2000 (www.cdi.org/russia/johnson [July 2003]).


Gershtenzag J. and Chen E. U.S., Russia Disagree on 'Axis of Evil' Direction of Terror War // Los Angeles Times. — February 5, 2002. — P. A1.


Putin Still Popular with Majority of Russians on the Third Anniversary of Election // Interfax. — March 26, 2003. On the idea that Putin's popularity made him less vulnerable to attacks from dissatisfied interest groups, see Stephen Sestanovich, At Odds with Iran and Iraq: Can the United States and Russia Resolve Differences? // A Century Foundation and Stanley Foundation Paper (New York and Muscatine, Iowa, February 2003).


Sestanovich, At Odds with Iran and Iraq. — P. 32-33.


Baker P. Russia Resists Ending Iran Project: Moscow Balks at U.S. Offer for Curtailing Work on Reactor // Washington Post. — October 22, 2002. — P. A19; EinhomR. and SamoreG. Heading Off Iran Bomb: The Need for Renewed U.S. — Russian Cooperation // Yaderny Kontrol Digest. — Vol. 7 (Summer 2002). — P. 9-23; Katz M. Russian-Iranian Relations in the Putin Era // Demokratizatsiya. — Vol. 10, (Winter 2002). — P. 69-82.


Tavernise S. Russia Presses Iran to Accept Scrutiny of the Nuclear Site // New York Times. — July 1, 2003. — P. A9.


Shepherd R. U.S. Tempts Russia with Profits of Ousting Saddam // Times (London). — September 13, 2002. — P. 17; Wines M. Putin Again Rejects U.S. Calls for Support of a War, Fearing Effect on the Mideast // New York Times. — March 1, 2003. — P. A8; and Lugar Introduces Bill to Improve Trade with Russia. Press release. — March 10, 2003.


Interview Granted by President Vladimir Putin to France-3 Television. — February 10, 2003, transcript and translation provided by Federal News Service (fed.news.com).


Leicester J. France, Russia, Germany Will 'Not Allow' Passage of U.N. Resolution // Associated Press. — March 5, 2003.


News Conference with the Foreign Ministers of Germany, France, and Russia. — March 5, 2003 (fednews.com).


Interview Granted by President Vladimir Putin to France-3 Television.


Заявление президента Путина по Ираку на встрече в Кремле. Передано по РТР 20 марта 2003 г. Запись и перевод предоставлены Федеральной службой новостей (fednews.com).


Выступление министра иностранных дел России Игоря Иванова на заседании Государственной Думы 21 марта 2003 г. Запись и перевод предоставлены Федеральной службой новостей (fednews.com).


Ivanov, as quoted in Vladimir Isachenkov. Russia: U.S. Is Trying to Destroy Iraq // Associated Press. — March 26, 2003.


Chalmers J. U.S., Russia at Odds over War on Terrorism // Reuters. — February 3, 2002.


Рябов А. Путин в зеркале отношения россиян к войне в Ираке // Профиль. — 2003. — № 12. Переведено РИА «Новости».


Mohammed A. U.S. Believes Russian in Bagdad Aiding Iraq // Reuters. — March 24, 2003.


Игорь Иванов. Россия не поставляет в Ирак вооружение, strana.ru 24 марта 2003 г.; and MP Denies Russia Delivers Arms to Iraq // Interfax. — March 27, 2003.


U.S. Threatens Sanctions against Russian Firms // RFE/RL Newsline. — March 27, 2003.


Carr Е.Н. The Twenty Years1 Crisis 1919-1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations (Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1939).


Interview with Yegor Gaidar.


РИА Новости, 31 июля 2002 г. (en.rian.ru/rian/index.cfm [July 2003]).


Для более широкого обсуждения программы см.: General Accounting Office, Foreign Assistance: International Efforts to Aid Russia's Transition Have Had Mixed Results (November 2000).


Источник: Бюро по координации помощи США странам Европы и Евразии. U.S. Government Assistance to and Cooperative Activities with Eurasia, FY 2001 Annual Report (Department of State, 2002) (www.state.gov/p/eur/ace [July 2003]).


Interview with Dmitri Vasiliev. См. также: Timothy Frye, Brokers and Bureaucrats: Building Market Institutions in Russia. — University of Michigan Press, 2000. — P. 187-188.


Interview with Vasiliev.


Frye, Brokers and Bureaucrats. — P. 181.


The Agency for International Development has redressed this imbalance. See: U.S. AID, USAID/Russia Strategy Amendment (1999-2005). — Moscow, February 2002.


Stiglitz J. Globalization and Its Discontent (Norton and Company, 2002).


Wedel J.R. Collision and Collusion: The Strange Case of Western Aide to Eastern Europe (St. Martin's, 2001). Cohen, Failed Crusade; and Reddaway and Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia's Reforms.


Figures quoted from Mehmet Ogutcu, «Attracting Foreign Direct Investment for Russia's Modernization: Battling against the Odds», paper presented at OECD- Russian Investment Roundtable. — St. Petersburg. — Russia, 2000. — P. 3-4.


Marshall В. Executive vice president, U. S. — Russia Business Council, testimony before the European Subcommittee of the House Committee of International Relations, 107 Cong. 2 sess. — February 27, 2002; Курьеров В.Г. Иностранные инвестиции в экономике России в 2002 г. (http://econom.nsc.ru.).


Сообщения об этих попятных шагах см.: Colton Т. J. and McFaul M. Russian Democracy under Putin // Problems of Post-Communism. — Vol. 50. — July-August 2003. — P. 12-21.


Gibson J. The Struggle between Order and Liberty in Contemporary Russian Political Culture // Australian Journal of Political Science. — Vol. 32. — July 1997. — P. 271-290; Gibson J. The Russian Dance with Democracy, Post-Soviet Affairs. Vol. 17. — April-June 2001. — P. 101-128; Colton T.J. and McFaul M. Are Russians Undemocratic? // Post-Soviet Affairs. — Vol. 18. — April-June 2002. — P. 91-121; Всероссийский центр изучения общественного мнения (ВЦИОМ). От мнения к пониманию: общественное мнение 2000 (ВЦИОМ, декабрь 2000). Для более скептических оценок, фокусирующихся на уважении прав человека, см.: Gerber T. and Mendelson S. Russian Public Opinion on Human Rights and the War in Chechnya // Post-Soviet Affairs. — Vol. 18. — October-December 2002. — P. 271-305.


Hiatt F. Chicken before Chechnya // Washington Post. — June 17, 2002. — P. A17.


Talbott S. The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy (Random House, 2002). — P. 211.


См.: Hellman J. Winners Take All: The Politics of Partial Reform in Post- Communist Transition // World Politics. — Vol. 50. — No. 1. — 1998; Dethier J.-J., Ghanem H. and Zoli E. Does Democracy Facilitate the Economic Reform? An Empirical Study of Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: unpublished manuscript, World Bank (June 1999); Transition Report 1999: Ten Years of Transition (London: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1999), chap.; Aslund A. Building Capitalism: The Transformation of the Former Soviet Block. — Cambridge University Press, 2001. Причинно-следственная связь между демократией и экономическим ростом не столь понятна.


Colton and McFaul, Are Russians Undemocratic?


Odom W. and Dujarric R. Commonwealth or Empire? Russia, Central Asia, and the Transcaucasia. — Hudson Institute Press, 1995; Ra'anan U. and Martin K. eds. Russia: A Return to Imperialism? (St. Martin's Press, 1995). Теоретическое обоснование вероятности конфликта в подобной ситуации см.: Walt S. Revolution and War. — Cornell University Press, 1996; Snyder J. From Voting to Violence: Democratization and Nationalist Conflict. — W.W. Norton, 2000.


Yanks to the Rescue // Time, July 15, 1996.


Lake A. Do the Doable // Foreign Policy. — No. 54 (Spring 1984). — P. 121.


Aslund, Building Capitalism: Transformation, of the Former Soviet Block. — P. 401.


For a similar argument, see Daalder I. and Lindsay J.M. One-Day Wonder: The Dangerous Absurdity of the Bush-Putin Arms Treaty // American Prospect. — August 26, 2002 (www.prospect.org [July 2003]).


Putin, quoted in: Putin: Iraq War Most Serious Crisis since Cold War's End // Dow Jones Newswires. — March 28, 2003.


См., например: Jervis R. Perceptions and Misperceptions in International History. — Princeton University Press, 1974.


Владимир Путин. «Россия на рубеже тысячелетия», 1 января 2000 (government.gov.ru [July 2003]).


Graham Т.Е., Jr., A World without Russia? Jamestown Foundation Conference, Washington, 1999, published in Johnson's Russia List. — June 11, 1999. — No. 3336 (www.cdi.org/russia/johnson [July 2003]).


Hill C. «Russia's Defense Spending», in Russia's Uncertain Economic Future, Compendium of papers submitted the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States (GPO, December 2001). — P. 161-182.

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