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Potentials of metallography in investigations of early objects made of copper and copper-base alloys (The Early Metal Age) N.V. Ryndina
ResumeApplication of methods of optical and electronic metallography in investigations of early copper and copper-base alloys enables us to solve the questions that are far beyond the investigational field traditionally covered by the history of metallurgy. These refer to revealing the modes of metalworking developed in different cultures and production units; establishing dependence between the metalworking technology and the raw material used; analysis of the raw material from the standpoint of metallurgical processes taking place when producing it; investigation of the problem of production structure and organization, and so forth. Among the problems studied with the help of metallography of special importance is that one concerning regularities in the progress of earliest metallurgical knowledge. Over 500 microstructural analyses are discussed in the work; they form the investigational base for considering the production dynamics in the Near East and South-Eastern Europe, that is, how more and more complicated regularities can be observed in their development stage by stage from the Eneolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Special attention is paid to the metalworking technologies that permit to discriminate between the Neolithic and the Eneolithic. In conclusion the author raises the question concerning interaction of primary and secondary centres of metal production on the example of the metallographic analyses carried out on the metal samples of Maikop culture of the North Caucasus.