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склонность подчиненных или населения принимать решения любого из уровней иерархии.


Последний наиболее характерный пример институционального закрепления ограничений управленческой самостоятельности муниципальных органов и местного самоуправления — Закон о публичной власти, принятый в декабре 2021 года.


Mobilization was not named directly; however, from the general context, we can conclude that there were, among other things, "excesses" during the mobilization.


The concept of power distance was introduced as a result of research on the typology of cultural dimensions by the social psychologist G. Hofstede. It is one of the key characteristics of the organizational culture of a society. The higher the power distance, the higher the propensity of subordinates or the population to make decisions at any level of the hierarchy.


The last and the most typical example of institutionalization of restrictions on the managerial autonomy of municipal bodies and local self-government is the Law on Public Authorities, adopted in December 2021.


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Абрамов, Р. (2017). Мальме: как попрощаться с депрессией индустриальной дыры. 29.06.2017. Футурист. Режим доступа: https://futurist.ru/articles/779. (дата доступа: 28.10.2022).


Elle.ru. (2021). The first sustainable floating city of the future is about to appear on the planet. It’s called Oceanix, and we would love to live there. Retrieved from: https://www.elle.ru/stil-zhizni/ events/na-planete-vot-vot-poyavitsya-pervyi-v-istorii-plavuchii-gorod-budushego-on-nazyvaetsya-okeaniks-i-nam-khochetsya-tam-zhit/. (accessed 28.10.2022).


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Harrouk, C. (2020). BIG, Hijjas and Ramboll Win International Competition to Design a Master Plan for Penang South Islands, Malaysia. 21 Aug 2020. ArchDaily. Retrieved from: https://www.archdaily.com/946132/big-hijjas-and-ramboll-win-international-competition-to-design-a-master-plan-for-penang-south-islands-malaysia. (accessed 28.10.2022).


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