the input parameters, if you need the robot to close upon reaching a profit of 100% of the deposit (x1), then set the parameter: PercentProfit 100, if you need x5, then set 500, then set the parameter: PercentLoss 90 , then do DeletOrders true , then ClouseTerminal true, these parameters are needed to close all orders and close your terminal. And don't forget to enable Auto-trading.
Part 5. Additional information
– Financial Plan How to make $1 million with $100 in your pocket.
In this chapter, you will get the answer to the most common question: "How to earn 1 million dollars?"
A huge number of people want to receive this amount, but almost all of them do not know how to do it.
Today you will receive a solution on how absolutely anyone (in their right mind, of course) can make their million US dollars. The whole secret is in Financial planning and following established norms and rules. It's all real!
This guide gives you a step by step plan to achieve success! Financial plan for 3 years.
First year (Start 100$. Profit 25% per month. Replenishment every month 100$.)
Second year
Third year
Financial plan for 3 years.
First year
(Start 200$. Profit 25% per month. Replenishment every month 200$.)
Старт в начале месяца
Заработок за месяц 25%
Сумма + пополнение 200$
+ 200$ каждый месяц
1 153
1 153
1 641
1 641
2 251
2 251
3 014
3 014
3 96S
3 963
1 290
6 650
6 650
1 662
а 513
3 513
10 341
10 341
2 710
13 751
Первый год
Second year
Financial plan for 3 years.
First year
(Start 500$. Profit 25% per month. Replenishment every month 500$.)
Second year
34 379
S 594
43 474
43 474
10 868
54 843
54 843
69 054
69 054
17 263
86 817
36 817
21 704
109 022
109 022
27 255
136 777
136 777
171 472
171 472
42 868
214 840
214 840
53 710
269 050
269 050
67 262
336 813
336 813
84 203
421 516
421 516
105 379
527 395
второй год
Third year
So, how to use this plan and achieve its successful implementation?
1. Create and Print a Financial Plan
2. Put down the exact date of achievement of your main goal and the date of achievement for
first step.
3. Hang it above your bed so you can see and read your goals.
in the evening before going to bed and getting up in the morning. Thanks to this, your brain will subconsciously look for solutions that are suitable for you.
4. Upon reaching the goal of the current stage, set a new deadline for the next one.
5. Every day, work on how to complete the plan, devoting at least 30 minutes to this – this is now TOP PRIORITY for you, whether you want it or not.
6. DO NOT SKIP the stages of the plan, you can shorten or increase the duration of the stage, you can earn more than planned – it does not matter. It is important not to skip each step, in this case, the implementation of the plan for you will pass with pleasure and without disappointment, because you need to get used to money. 7. Remember "If you do what you've always done, you'll get the same results you've always gotten."
Part 6. Contact information.
Send all your questions, wishes and suggestions to: Our contacts:
Email: ¡[email protected] telegram: r Our website:
I hope this book has given you a new perspective on trading and Forex in general. Now you just have to practice a little on a demo account, gain dexterity, and then you can safely start trading on a real account. Now you have all the tools in hand. Use them wisely. I believe that you will succeed!
Sincerely, Roman Smirnov