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О китайской политике одного ребенка на семью: Greenhalgh, S. 2005. Missile Science, Population Science: The Origins of China’s One-Child Policy. China Quarterly 182: 253–276; Greenhalgh, S. 2008. Just One Child: Science and Policy in Deng’s China. University of California Press;

Тед Тернер о политике одного ребенка для спасения планеты: Globe and Mail 5 December 2010.

Видеозапись выступления Джейкоба Брановски в конце передачи «Восхождение человека» можно найти в Интернете.

Глава 12. Эволюция роли личности

О Монтескье и великих людях: Macfarlane, Alan 2000. The Riddle of the Modern World. Palgrave; Mingardi, Alberto 2011. Herbert Spencer. Bloomsbury Academic.

О Черчилле: Johnson, B. 2014. The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History. Hodder & Stoughton.

О китайской реформе: Секретные документы, изменившие Китай. Сообщение национального китайского радио о китайской земельной реформе 14 May 2014.

Об аппарате президентской власти в Америке: Bacevich, A. 2013. The Iran deal just shows how badly Obama has failed. Spectator 30 November 2013.

О Гутенберге: Johnson, S. 2014. How We Got to Now. Particular Books.

О комарах и войнах: Mann, Charles C. 2011. 1493. Granta Books; McNeill, J.R. 2010. Malarial mosquitoes helped defeat British in battle that ended Revolutionary War. Washington Post 18 October 2010.

О генеральных директорах: Johnson, Steven 2012. Future Perfect. Penguin; Hamel, G. 2011. First Let’s Fire All the Managers. Harvard Business Review December 2011.

О компании Morning Star: I, Tomato: Morning Star’s Radical Approach to Management; см. YouTube; Green, P. 2010. The Colleague Letter of Understanding: Replacing Jobs with Commitments; Managementexchange.com.

О самоуправлении: Wartzman, R. 2012. If Self-Management is Such a Great Idea, Why Aren’t More Companies Doing It? Forbes 25 September 2012.

Об экономическом развитии: Rodrik, D. 2013.The Past, Present, and Future of Economic Growth. Global Citizen Foundation; Easterly, William 2013. The Tyranny of Experts. Basic Books; McCloskey, D. 2012. Factual Free-Market Fairness. Bleedingheartlibertarians.com; Lal, Deepak 2013. Poverty and Progress. Cato Institute.

Деревенские жители Малави отдают свои земли под выращивание тростника. BBC News 16 December 2014.

Глава 13. Эволюция власти

О Диком Западе: Anderson, Terry and Hill, P.J. 2004. The Not So Wild, Wild West. Stanford Economics and Finance.

О тюрьмах: Skarbek, D. 2014. The Social Order of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System. Oxford University Press.

О правительстве как об организованной преступности: Williamson, Kevin D. 2013. The End is Near and it’s Going to be Awesome. HarperCollins; Nock, A.J. 1939. The criminality of the state. The American Mercury March 1939; Morris, Ian 2014. War: What is it Good For? Farrar, Straus & Giroux; Robert Higgs, Some basics of state domination and public submission. Blog. independent.org 27 April 2014.

О Фергюсоне: Missouri, Paul, Rand. We must demilitarize the police. Time 14 August 2014; Balko, Radley 2013. Rise of the Warrior Cop. PublicAffairs.

О Лао-цзы: Blacksburg, A. 2013. Taoism and Libertarianism – From Lao Tzu to Murray Rothbard. Thehumanecondition.com.

Письмо лорда Актона к Мэри Глэдстоун (24 апреля 1881) опубликовано в сборнике: Letters of Lord Acton to Mary Gladstone (1913) p. 73.

Слова Майкла Клауда приведены в книге: Frisby, Dominic 2013. Life After the State. Unbound.

О левеллерах см. «An arrow against all tyrants» Ричарда Оувертона, 12 октября 1646 г. (constitution.org); Hannan, Daniel 2013. How We Invented Freedom and Why it Matters. Head of Zeus Ltd.

О либерализме XVIII в. см. прекрасные лекции Стивена Дэвиса на сайте IEA.com.

Об истории правительства: Micklethwait, John and Wooldridge, Adrian 2014. The Fourth Revolution. Allen Lane.

О политических взглядах Адама Смита: Rothschild, Emma 2001. Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet and the Enlightenment. Harvard University Press.

О Гамильтоне и Джефферсоне: Will, George 2014. Progressives take lessons from «Downton Abbey». Washington Post 12 February 2014.

О британской либеральной мысли: Martineau, Harriet 1832–1834. Illustrations of political economy; Micklethwait, John and Wooldridge, Adrian 2014. The Fourth Revolution. Allen Lane.

О свободном рынке: Bernstein, William 2008. A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World. Atlantic Monthly Press; Lampe, Markus 2009. Effects of bilateralism and the MFN clause on international trade – Evidence for the Cobden-Chevalier Network (1860–1875). dev3.cepr.org; Trentman, Frank 2008. Free Trade Nation. Oxford University Press.

О промышленной контрреволюции: Lindsey, Brink 2002. Against the Dead Hand. John Wiley & Sons; Dicey, A. V. [1905] 2002. Lectures on the Relation between Law and Public Opinion in England during the Nineteenth Century.

О либерализме XX в.: Goldberg, Jonah 2007. Liberal Fascism; Doubleday. Brogan, Colm 1943. Who are «the People»? Hollis & Carter. Agar, Herbert 1943. A Time for Greatness. Eyre & Spottiswoode.

Об усилении правительственной власти: Micklethwait, John and Wooldridge, Adrian 2014. The Fourth Revolution. Allen Lane.

Интервью Кристианы Фигейрес: Guardian 21 November 2012.

Об эволюции политики в будущем: Carswell, Douglas 2012. The End of Politics and the Birth of iDemocracy. Biteback.

Глава 14. Эволюция религии

О религии: O’Grady, Selina 2012. And Man Created God. Atlantic Books; Armstrong, Karen 1993. A History of God. Knopf; Wright, Robert 2009. The Evolution of God. Little, Brown; Baumard, N. and Boyer, P. 2013. Explaining moral religions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17: 272–280; Holland, T. 2012. In the Shadow of the Sword. Little, Brown.

Рождение религии. Интервью с Томом Холландом: New Statesman 3 April 2012.

О кругах на полях: телевизионная программа Equinox: The Strange Case of Crop Circles (chanel 4, UK 1991).

О роли ЦРУ и Ватикана: Silva, Freddy 2013. Secrets in the Fields. Invisible Temple.

О желании верить: Steiner, George 1997. Nostalgia for the Absolute (CBC Massey Lecture). House of Anansi.

О голубях: Skinner, B.F. 1947 «Superstition» in the Pigeon. Journal of Experimental Psychology 38: 168–172.

О псевдонауке: Popper, K. 1963. Conjectures and Refutations. Routledge & Keegan Paul (на русском языке: Поппер К. Предположения и опровержения. М.: АСТ, 2008); Shermer, Michael 2012. The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies – How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths. St Martin’s Griffin.

О витализме: Crick, Francis 1966. Of Molecules and Men. University of Washington Press.

О биодинамическом сельском хозяйстве: Chalker-Scott, Linda 2004. The myth of biodynamic agriculture. Puyallup.wsu.edu.

О климате: Curry, Judith 2013. CO2 «control knob» theory.judithcurry.com 20 September 2013.

О CO2 и ледниковых периодах: Petit, J.R. et al. 1999. Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica. Nature 399: 429–436; Eschenbach, Willis 2012. Shakun Redux: Master tricksed us! I told you he was tricksy! Wattsupwiththat.com 7 April 2012; Goklany, I. 2011. Could biofuel policies increase death and disease in developing countries? Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 16: 9–13; Bell, Larry. Climate Change as Religion: The Gospel According to Gore. Forbes 26 April 2011; Lilley, Peter 2013. Global Warming as a 21st Century Religion. Huffington Post 21 August 2013; Bruckner, Pascal 2013. Against environmental panic. Chronicle Review 27 June 2013; Bruckner, Pascal 2013. The Fanaticism of the Apocalypse: Save the Earth, Punish Human Beings. Polity Press; Lawson, Nigel 2014. The Trouble With Climate Change. Global Warming Policy Foundation.

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