Christopher W. In the Stream of History. — P. 268.
Interview with Talbott.
NPR's Morning Edition. — March 30, 1995. — Transcript 1574-5. — P. 2.
Ross W. The Role of Foreign Policy Advisors in Dole, Clinton Campaigns, U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda // USIA Electronic Journals. — Vol. 1 (October 1996).
Brzezinski. On CNN International. — June 15, 1996. — Transcript 1549-3.
Yavlinsky G. Shortsighted // New York Times Magazine. — January 6, 1995. — P. 66.
For details, see McFaul M. Russian Politics after Chechnya // Foreign Policy. — No. 99 (Summer 1995). — P. 149-165.
Interview with Burns.
См.: Hoffman D. The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in New Russia (Public Affairs, 2002).
Interviews with Steinberg, Fuerth, and other U. S. government officials.
Почему Явлинский не мог победить в 1996 году, см.: McFaul M. Russia between Elections: The Vanishing Center, Journal of Democracy. — Vol. 7. — April 1996. — P. 90-104.
Veliko Vujacic V. Gennady Zyuganov and the Third Road, Post-Soviet Affairs. — Vol. 12. — April-June 1996. — P. 118-154; Невежин Ю. Новый «призрак» у шахтеров // Независимая газета. — 1996. — 30 марта; Lawson E. and Marshall В. Russia on Election Eve: A U.S. — Russia Business Council Report to the Board of Directors. — Washington, U.S. Russia Business Council. — May 17, 1996. — P. 4-5, 16.
Singer D. The Burden of Boris. Nation. — April 1, 1996. — P. 23; and Hough J., Davidheiser E. and Lehman S.G. The 1996 Russian Presidential Election. — Brookings, 1996. — P. 86; and Lawson and Marshall. Russia on Election Eve. — P. 15.
Interview with Gaidar.
Коржаков цитируется в книге Бориса Ельцина: Midnight Diaries, translated by Catherine A. Fitzpatric (Public Affairs, 1999). — P. 23; and Remnicks D. Resurrection: The Struggle for Russia Random House, 1997. — Chap. 11.
Interviews with David Lipton, Lake, and other U.S. government officials.
Interviews with Lipton, Atwood, and Talbott.
Interview with Talbott. Collins quoted // Sciolino E. Who'll Win Russia? For America, Uncertainty Wraps the Riddle // New York Times. — May 19, 1996. — Sec. 4. — P. 1.
Interviews with Talbott and Blacker. A photograph of the meeting is in Christopher, In the Stream of History.
Interviews with Blacker and Fuerth.
Talbott S. The Russia Hand. — P. 195.
Morris D. Behind the Oval Office: Getting Reelected against All Odds. — Los Angeles: Renaissance Books, 1999. — P. 250; and interviews with Dick Morris and Sandy Berger.
PBS Frontline. Return of the Czar, 2000 (www.pbs.org.).
Mitchell A. Clinton Tiptoed around Russian Vote Except to say He's for It // New York Times. — April 21, 1996. — Sec. 1. — P. 10; and Powell S. Clinton Cautious as Russian Vote Nears // Times Union (Albany, N.Y.). — June 9, 1996. — P. A9.
Backing Boris: Summiteering, Electioneering, and Debt Relief. Prism: A Bi-Weekly on Post-Soviet Studies. — Vol. 11. — May 3, 1996. — Part 1.
Interview with Morris.
Беккер А. Запад идет на выручку российским властям // Сегодня. — 1997. — 28 марта; OECD, Russian Federation 1997. — Paris, 1997. — P. 69.
Interviews with Carlos Pascual and Lipton. Mitchell A. Pulling for Yeltsin, but Gingerly // New York Times. — April 14, 1996. — Sec. 4. — P. 4; and Erlanger S. Chicken Parts and Politics on Agenda at Sinai Talks // New York Times. — March 28, 1996. Talbott credits Dick Morris for the Saudi debt scheme. See: Talbott S. The Russia Hand. — P. 447. — Note 6.
Interviews with Fyodorov and Lipton; and Aslund A. Building Capitalism: The Transformation of the Former Soviet Block. — Cambridge University Press, 2001. — P. 427.
Lopez-Claros A. The Role of International Financial Institutions during Transition in Russia, unpublished manuscript, September 2002. — P. 18.
Lawson and Marshall. Russia on Election Eve. -PI; and interview with Stanley Fisher.
Press conference by Vice President Gore and Prime Minister Chernomyrdin of Russia, Old Executive Office Building, Room 450, White House, Office of the Press Secretary. — January 30, 1996.
Interviews with Lipton, Berger, and other U.S. government officials.
Quinn-Judge P. Clinton Gives Yeltsin a Vote of Confidence: Declares Support for $9 billion Loan // Boston Globe. — January 31, 1996. — P. 2; and Shweid B. Clinton, Gore Back Huge Loan to Russia // Associated Press. — January 31, 1996; Gordon M. Russia and I.M.F. Agree on Loan for $10.2 Billion // New York Times. — February 23, 1996. — P. 2; and interviews with Lipton, Pascual, and other U.S. officials.
Gordon. Russia and I.M.F. Agree on Loan for $10.2 Billion. — P. 1.
Fyodorov. Quoted in: Gordon. Russia and I.M.F. Agree on Loan for $10.2 Billion. — P. 2.
See: interviews with Lipton and Fisher.
Aslund A. Building Capitalism: The Transformation of the Former Soviet Block. — Cambridge University Pres: 2001; and Treisman D. Fighting Inflation in a Transitional Regime: Russia's Anomalous Stabilization // World Politics. — Vol. 50. — January 1998. — P. 235-265; and Fisher S. The Russian Economy: Prospects and Retrospects, address to the Higher School of Economics. — Moscow (Russia), June 19, 2001 (http://www.imf.org/external/np/speeches/2001/061901.htm [July 2003]).
Interviews with Talbott, Blacker, and Berger; and Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 195.
Interviews with Talbott, Blacker, and others; and Talbott, The Russia Hand. — P. 195.
О распрях и раздорах в предвыборной команде Ельцина в 1996 году см.: McFaul M. Russia's 1996 Presidential Elections: The End of Polarized Politics. — Hoover Institution Press, 1997. — Chap. 3.
Интервью Макфола в 1996 году с представителями избирательного штаба Ельцина: Анатолием Чубайсом, Игорем Малашенко, Вячеславом Никоновым и Георгием Сатаровым. См. также: Kramer M. Rescuing Boris // Time. — July 15, 1996. В статье Крамера сильно преувеличивается роль американских советников, но она дает верное представление об их деятельности.
Interview with Morris.
Mendelson S. Democracy Assistance and Political Transition in Russia // International Security. — Vol. 25 (Spring 2001). — P. 68-106.
Rose R. and Tikhomirov E. Russia's Forced-Choice Presidential Elections // Post-Soviet Affairs. — Vol. 12. — October-December 1996. — P. 351-79; Colton T. Transitional Citizens: Voters and What Influences Them in the New Russia. — Harvard University Press, 2000; and McFaul. Russia's 1996 Presidential Elections.
Зудин А. Бизнес и политика в президентской кампании 1996 года // Pro et Contra: Т. 1 (Октябрь 1996). — С. 46-60. Некоторые аналитики подчеркивали важную роль, которую обещания сыграли в обеспечении победы Ельцина. См.: Brudny Y. In Pursuit of the Russian Presidency: Why and How Yeltsin Won the 1996 Presidential Election // Communist and Post-Communist Studies. — Vol. 3 (Fall 1997). — P. 255-75; and Treisman D. Deciphering Russia's Federal Finance: Fiscal Appeasement in 1995 and 1996 // Europe-Asia Studies. — Vol. 50 (July 1998). — P. 893-906; Запелкий А., Мухин А., Тюков Н. Россия: президентская кампания 1996 года. — М.: СПИК-Центр, 1996; более скептический анализ: Thames F. Did Yeltsin Buy Elections? The Russian Political Business Cycle, 1993-1999 // Communist and Post-Communist Studies. — Vol. 34 (March 2001). — P. 63-76; and Hoffman D. The Oligarchs. — Chap. 13.
Yeltsin. Midnight Diaries. — P. 25.
Asmus. Opening NATO's Door. — P. 166.
Hill F. The Caucasus and Central Asia // Policy Brief — No. 80 (Brookings, May 2001).
Interview with Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall.
Interview with Victoria Nuland.
Хороший обзор режима контроля ракетных технологий (РКРТ) см.: Ozga D. A. A Chronology of the Missile Technology Control Regime // Nonpro-liferation Review. — Vol. 1. — Winter 1994. — P. 66-93.
Gore-McCain Missile and Proliferation Control Act, Congressional Record. — August 4, 1989. — P. S10 230.
Ozga. Chronology. — P. 82-83.
Armitage R. Russia's Eligibility from Assistance under FREEDOM Support Act, unclassified action memorandum from EUR Thomas M.T. Niles and D/CISA, released in full by the Department of State, June 27, 2001, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the authors.
Interviews with Gottemoeller and Poneman. Reporters covering the issue understood quid pro quo; for example. See: Smith R.J. U.S. Russia Near Accord on Technology for India // Washington Post. — July 14, 1993. — P. A17.
Interview with Fuerth and Andrei Kozyrev; Talbott. The Russia Hand. — P. 59-60.
Interview with Fuerth and Gotemoeller.
Gordon M.R. U.S. Sets Penalty for Russian Firms // New York Times. — June 25, 1993; and Smith R.J. U.S., Russia Near Accord on Technology for India.
Interview with Strobe Talbott; and Talbott. The Russia Hand. — P. 81-82; and Smith. U.S., Russia Near Accord on Technology for India.
Interview with Strobe Talbott; and Talbott. The Russia Hand. — P. 81-82.
Smith. U.S., Russia Near Accord on Technology for India; and Talbott. The Russia Hand. — P. 81-82.