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Sobibor, Martyrdom and Revolt, Documents and Testimonies. New York, 1980.

Nussbaum Chaim. Chaplain On the River Kwai, Story of a Prisoner of War. New York, 1988.

Pabst Helmut. The Outermost Frontier, A German Soldier in the Russian Campaign. London, 1986.

Padfield Peter. Dönitz, The Last Führer. London, 1984.

Pallud Jean Paul. SDE Operation Pimento // After the Battle. Number 26. London, 1979.

_____. Budapest // After the Battle. Number 40. London, 1983.

_____. Operation Merkur, The German Invasion of Crete // After the Battle. Number 47. London, 1985.

Papagos Alexander. The Battle of Greece 1940–1941. Athens, 1949.

Parton James. Air Force Spoken Here // General Ira Eaker and the Command of the Air. Bethesda, Maryland, 1986.

Pavlov Dmitri V. Leningrad 1941, The Blockade. Chicago, 1965.

Pedersen Bent. The Aarhus Attack // After the Battle. Number 54. London, 1986.

Perrault Gilles. The Red Orchestra. London, 1968.

Phayer Michael. Margarete Sommer, Berlin Catholics, and Germany’s Jews 1939–1945 // Remembering for the Future, Jews and Christians During and After the Holocaust. Oxford, 1988.

Plant Richard. The Pink Triangle, The Nazi War Against Homosexuals. New York, 1986.

Playfair Major-General I. S. O. The Mediterranean and Middle East. Volume I, The Early Successes against Italy (to May 1941). London, 1954.

Playfair Major-General I. S. O. The Mediterranean and Middle East. Volume II, ‘The Germans come to the Help of their Ally’ (1941). London, 1956.

Pogue Forrest C. George C. Marshall, Ordeal and Hope, 1939–1942. London, 1968.

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Porter Cathy, and Jones Mark. Moscow in World War II. London, 1987.

Posner Gerald L., and Ware John. Mengele, The Complete Story. London, 1986.

Presser Jacob. The Destruction of the Dutch Jews. New York, 1969.

Price Billy F. Adolf Hitler, The Unknown Artist. Houston, Texas, 1984.

Prittie T. C. F., and Edwards W. Earle. South to Freedom, A Record of Escape. London, 1946.

Pryce-Jones David. Paris in the Third Reich, A History of the German Occupation, 1940–1944. New York, 1981.

Putney Diane T. (editor). ULTRA and the Army Air Forces in World War II. Washington D. C., 1987.

Puvogel Ulrike. Gedenkstätten für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus, Eine Dokumentation. Bonn, 1987.

Quigley Harold S. Far Eastern War 1937–1941. Boston, 1942.

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Ramsey Winston G. Normandy 1944–1973 // After the Battle. Number 1. London, 1973.

_____. Arnhem // After the Battle. Number 2. London, 1973.

_____. The Battle of the Bulge // After the Battle. Number 4. London, 1973.

_____. Eben-Emael // After the Battle. Number 5. London, 1974.

_____. German spies in Britain // After the Battle. Number 11. London, 1976.

_____. Crossing the Rhine // After the Battle. Number 16. London, 1977.

_____. The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich // After the Battle. Number 24. London, 1979.

_____. The Lady be Good // After the Battle. Number 25. London, 1979.

_____. Christmas Eve 1944, Massacre at Bande // After the Battle. Number 30. London, 1980.

_____. The Execution of Eddie Slovik // After the Battle. Number 32. London, 1981.

_____. St Malo 1944 // After the Battle. Number 33. London, 1981.

_____. Germany Surrenders // After the Battle. Number 48. London, 1985.

_____. Europe’s Last VC // After the Battle. Number 49. London, 1985.

_____. The Rüsselheim Death March // After the Battle. Number 57. London, 1987.

Rashke Richard. Escape from Sobibor. Boston, 1982.

Rautkallio Hannu. Finland and the Holocaust, The Rescue of Finland’s Jews. New York, 1987.

Ready J. Lee. The Forgotten Axis, Germany’s Partners and Foreign Volunteers in World War II. Jefferson, North Carolina, 1987.

Reed John. Operation Jericho, The Amiens Raid // After the Battle. Number 28. London, 1980.

_____. The Cross-Channel Guns // After the Battle. Number 29. London, 1980.

_____. Assault on Walcheren, Operation Infatuate // After the Battle. Number 36. London, 1982.

Reitlinger Gerald. The Final Solution, The Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe 1939–1945. London, 1953.

Rely Achiel. Disaster at Antwerp, April 5, 1943 // After the Battle. Number 42. London, 1983.

_____. The Notorious Fort Breendonk // After the Battle. Number 51. London, 1986.

Reynaud Paul. In the Thick of the Fight 1930–1945. London, 1955.

Rhodes Richard. The Making of the Atomic Bomb. New York, 1988.

Richards Denis. Royal Air Force 1939–1945, The Fight at Odds 1939–1941. London, 1953.

_____, and Saunders Hilary St. George. Royal Air Force 1939–1945, The Fight Avails 1941–1943. London, 1954.

Rings Werner. Life with the Enemy, Collaboration and Resistance in Hitler’s Europe, 1939–1945. New York, 1982.

Robertson John. Australia at War 1939–1945. Melbourne, 1981.

Robinson Nehemiah. Indemnification and Reparations, Jewish Aspects. New York, 1944.

Rohwer Jürgen. Axis Submarine Successes 1939–1945. Cambridge, 1983.

Rolf David. Prisoners of the Reich, Germany’s Captives 1939–1945. London, 1988.

Romanus Charles F., and Sunderland Riley. United States Army in World War II, China — Burma — India Theater, Stillwell’s Mission to China. Washington D. C., 1966.

Roskill Captain S. W. The War at Sea 1939–1945. 3 volumes. 1959–1961.

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Russell of Liverpool, Lord. The Scourge of the Swastika, A Short History of Nazi War Crimes. London, 1954.

_____. The

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