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Читем онлайн Вторая мировая война. Полная история - Мартин Гилберт






Knights of the Bushido, A Short History of Japanese War Crimes. London, 1958.

Salisbury Harrison E. The 900 Days, The Siege of Leningrad. London, 1986.

Salmaggi Cesare, and Pallavisini Alfredo. 2194 Days of War, An illustrated chronology of the Second World War. London, 1979.

Saunders Andy. The Last Flight of the only Battle of Britain VC // After the Battle. Number 30. London, 1980.

Saunders Hilary St George. Combined Operations, The Official Story of the Commandos. New York, 1943.

_____. Royal Air Force 1939–1945, The Fight is Won. London, 1954.

Sawyer L. A., and Mitchell W. H. The Liberty Ships, The History of the ‘Emergency’ type Cargo ships constructed in the United States during the Second World War. London, 1980.

Schäfer Ernst (editor). Ravensbrück. Berlin, 1960.

Schmidt Maria. Margit Slachta’s Activities in Support of Slovakian Jewry 1942–1943 // Remembering for the Future, Jews and Christians During and After the Holocaust. Oxford, 1988.

Schneider Gertrude. Journey into Terror, Story of the Riga Ghetto. New York, 1979.

_____ (editor). Muted Voices, Jewish Survivors of Latvia Remember. New York, 1987.

Schofield B. B. The Russian Convoys. London, 1964.

Schwarberg Günther. The Murders at Bullenhuser Damm, The SS Doctors and the Children. Bloomington, Indiana, 1984.

Scutts Jerry. Lion in the Sky, US 8th Air Force Fighter Operations 1942–1945. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, 1987.

Selwyn Francis. Hitler’s Englishman, The Crime of ‘Lord Haw-Haw’. London, 1987.

Seth Ronald. Jackals of the Reich, The Story of the British Free Corps. London, 1982.

Sevillias Errikos. Athens — Auschwitz. Athens, 1983.

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Sharp Tony. The Wartime Alliance and the Zonal Division of Germany. Oxford, 1975.

Shelah M. The Catholic Church in Croatia, the Vatican and the Murder of the Croatian Jews // Remembering for the Future, Jews and Christians During and After the Holocaust. Oxford, 1988.

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Shortal John F. Forged by Fire, General Robert L. Eichelberger and the Pacific War. Columbia, South Carolina, 1987.

Simpson Christopher. Blowback, U. S. Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War. New York, 1988.

Slim William. Defeat into Victory. London, 1956.

Sloan Jacob (editor). Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto, the Journal of Emanuel Ringelblum. New York, 1958.

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Snydor Charles W. Jr. Soldiers of Destruction, The SS Death’s Head Division 1933–1945. Princeton, New Jersey, 1977.

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Spector Ronald H. Eagle Against the Sun, The American War with Japan. New York, 1984.

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Stacey C. P. The Canadian Army 1939–1945, An Official Historical Summary. Ottawa, 1948.

Stein George H. The Waffen SS, Hitler’s Elite Guard at War 1939–1945. London, 1966.

Steinberg Lucien. Not as a Lamb, the Jews against Hitler. Glasgow, 1974.

Stewart Adrian. Guadalcanal, World War II’s Fiercest Naval Campaign. London, 1985.

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Szajkowski Zosa (editor). Analytical Franco-Jewish Gazeteer 1939–1945. New York, 1966.

Taylor James, and Shaw Warren (editors). A Dictionary of the Third Reich. London, 1987.

Taylor Telford. The Breaking Wave, The German Defeat in the Summer of 1940. London, 1967.

Tec Nechama. When Light Pierced the Darkness, Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland. New York, 1986.

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Thomas Nigel, and Abbott Peter. Partisan Warfare 1940–1945. London, 1985.

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Tillion Germaine. Ravensbrück. Garden City, New York, 1975.

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Trepper Leopold. The Great Game, The Story of the Red Orchestra. London, 1977.

Trevor-Roper H. R. The Last Days of Hitler. London, 1947.

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Tusa Ann, and Tusa John. The Nuremberg Trial. London, 1983.

Tyrnauer Gabrielle. Gypsies and the Holocaust, A Bibliography and Introductory Essay. Montreal, 1989.

United Nations Relief

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