aslt ech assault echelon
ASROC anti-submarine rocket
assy assembly
ASUW antisurface ship warfare
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
ASW anti-submarine warfare
AT antitank
ATAS air-to-air Stinger
ATC Air Training Command
ATGW anti-tank guided weapon
atk attack
atk avn attack aviation
atk hel attack helicopter
atker attacker
ATKHB attack helicopter battalion
AT wpn antitank weapon
AU Air University
AUS Army of the United States
auto automatic
aux auxiliary
AVLB armored vehicle launched bridge
avn aviation
AW air warfare
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System
BAD blast attenuator device
bat battle
bat battleship
BAS battalion aid station
BB battleship
BCC battlefield circulation control
BCU battery/-coolant unit
BD base-detonating
bde brigade
bde comdr brigade commander
bde rr CP
BDO battledress overgarment
BDU battle dress uniform
BEB bridge-erection boat
BFV Bradley fighting vehicle
biol biological
biol agt biological agent
biol atk biological attack
biol wpn biological weapon
BL butt line
BM ballistic missile
BMC4I battle management command, control, communications, computers and intelligence
BMD ballistic missile defense
bmdr bombardier
bmr bomber
bn battalion
bn comm sec battalion communication section
bn hq battalion headquarters
BOC battery operations center
br branch
Brig. Gen. Brigadier General
BSA brigade support area
BSFV Bradley Stinger fighting vehicle
bt boat
btry battery
BVR beyond visual range
BW biological warfare
BW agt biological warfare agent
C2 command and control
C3 command, control and communications
C3I command, control, communications and intelligence
C4I command, control, communications, computers and intelligence
CA civil affairs
CAC command aviation company
cal caliber
cam camouflage
CAM chemical agent monitor
CAP combat air patrol
Capt captain
CAR Chief, Army Reserve
CARGRU carrier group
cas casualty
cas agt casualty agent
CATCC carrier air traffic control center
catk counterattack
cav cavalry
cav sqdn cavalry squadron
cbt combat
cbt aslt trans hel combat assault transportation helicopter
cbt orgn combat organization
cbt spt combat support
cbt svc spt combat service support
cbt veh combat vehicle
CBU cluster bomb unit
CBV Combat Breacher Vehicle
CCDR Regional Combatant Commander
CDC combat direction center
CE command element
CE Corps of Engineers
C-E; C/E communications-electronics
CENTCOM US Central Command
CEP circular error probable
CEV combat engineer vehicle
CEWI combat electronic warfare and intelligence
cft craft
CFV cavalry fighting vehicle
CG Coast Guard
CG commanding general
CG phosgene
char characteristic
CHC Chaplain Corps
CHOP Change in Operational Control
CHS combat health support
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CinC; CINC Commander-in-Chief
CINCNORAD Commander-in-Chief, NORAD
CITV commander’s independent thermal viewer
CIWS close-in weapon system
CJCS chairman of the joint chiefs of staff
ckt circuit
Cl chlorine
CLU command launch unit
CM court-martial
CM cruise missile
CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps
CMD countermeasure dispenser
cml chemical
cml agt chemical agent
cml atk chemical attack
Cml C Chemical Corps
cml co chemical company
cml wpn chemical weapon
cmpr, cmptr computer
CNI communication, navigation, and identification
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
CNR combat net radio
CO commanding officer
co company
COCOM combatant command
CofS chief of staff
COGARD Coast Guard
co hq company headquarters
COIN counterinsurgency
COL colonel
colm column
COLPRO collective protection
COLT combat observation/lasing team
comd command
comdr commander
comd sec command section
comd veh command vehicle
COMFLTFORCOM Commander, Fleet Forces Command
COMINT communications intelligence
COMLANTFLT Commander, Atlantic Fleet
comm communication (s)
comms communications
COMMCEN communications center
COMMZ communications zone
ComO commissioned officer
comp component
COMPACFLT Commander, Pacific Fleet
COMSEC (101) communications security
COMUSFLTFORCOM Commander, U.S Fleet Forces Command
COMUSNAVCENT Commander, United States Navy, Central Command
con control
con surf control surface
conn control room
const construction
CONUS continental United States
COSCOM corps support command
CP command post
CP concrete-piercing
CPE chemical protective equipment
CPL corporal
CPT captain
CRUDESGRU cruiser-destroyer group
crypto cryptographic
CS combat support
CSS combat service support
CSUSA Chief of Staff, US Army
CSUSAF Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
CTOL conventional take off and landing
CV aircraft carrier
CVN aircraft carrier (nuclear propulsion)
CVBG Carrier Battle Group
CW chemical warfare
CW continuous wave
CW telegraphy
CW agt chemical warfare agent
CZ combat zone
DA diphenylchlorarsine
DA department of the Army
DAF department of the Air Force
DC diphenylcyanarsine
DC Dental Corps
DC District of Columbia
DCA defensive counterair
DCS/LOG Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics
DDG guided missile destroyer
decon decontamination
decon elm decontamination element
def defense; defensive
Def-Aids defensive aids
dept department
desron destroyer squadron
det detachment
DF direction-finding
dir direction
dis distance
DISCOM division support command
div division
DIVARTY division artillery
DIVEN divisional engineer
DIV—IT Institutional Training Division
DIV-TS Training Support Division
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DM adamsite
DME distance measuring equipment
DN Department of the Navy
DOD Department of Defense
DODAC Department of Defense ammunition code
DODIC Department of Defense identification code
DOW died of wounds
DP diphosgene
DRU direct reporting unit
DS direct support
DS discarding sabot
DSA division support area
dspo disposition
dvr driver
DZ drop zone
EAC echelon (s) above corps
ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures
ech echelon
ECM electronic countermeasures
ECS engagement control station
EFIS electronic flight instrument system
elct electronic
elec elecrtical
ELINT electronic intelligence
elm element
EM enlisted man (men)
EMP electromagnetic pulse
empl emplacement
en enemy
eng engine
eng spd engine speed
engr engineer
EPW enemy prisoner of war
equip equipment
ERA explosive-reactive armor
ESC Electronic Security Command
ESM electronic warfare support measures
ET electronic time
EUCOM US European Command
EUSA Eighth US Army, Korea
EW electronic warfare
exam examination
explo explosion; explosive
FA Field Artillery
FAAD Forward Area Air Defense
fac facility
FAE fuel-air explosive
FAST Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team
fax facsimile
FC Finance Corps
FCS fire control system
FDC fire direction center
FFAR folding-fin aircraft rocket
FFC Fleet Forces Command
FFG guided missile frigate
FH frequency hopping
FIST fire support team
FIST-V fire support team vehicle
fld field
FLIR forward-looking infrared
FLOLS Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
FLOT forward line of own troops
flot flotilla
flt flight
flt con flight control
flt con sur flight control surface
FM (97) frequency modulation; frequency-modulated
FMF Fleet Marine Force
FMFLANT [битая ссылка] Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic
FMFPAC [битая ссылка] Fleet Marine Force, Pacific
fmn formation
FMS flight management system
FOA field operating agency
F of F field of fire
FORSCOM US Army Forces Command
fps feet per second
frag fragmentation
frd friend (ly)
freq frequency
FS fin-stabilized
FS fire support
FS fuselage station
FSB forward support battalion
FSE fire support element
FSN federal stock number
FSSG Force Service Support Group
ft foot
ftn fortification
ftr fighter
ftr-bmr fighter-bomber
FU fire unit
fus fuselage
FW fixed-wing
fwd forward
G1 (14) personnel section (officer)
G2 (14) intelligence section (officer)
G3 (14) operations and training section (officer)
G4 (14) logistics section (officer)
G5 (14) civil affairs/military government section (officer)
GA tabun
GB sarin
GBU guided bomb unit
GCCS Global Command and Control System
GCCS-M Global Command and Control System-Maritime
GCE ground combat element
GCS guidance and control section
gd guard
GD soman
GE General Electric
gen general
GEO (93) geosynchronous
GEV ground effect vehicle