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Читем онлайн Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии - Б. Киселев






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phibron amphibious squadron

plat platoon

plat ldr platoon leader

plat sgt platoon sergeant

plt pilot

PMFD primary multifunction display

PO petty officer

POC platoon operations center

POL petroleum, oil and lubricants

pos position

POSNAV inertial position navigation system

POST passive optical seeker technique

POW prisoner of war

PR personnel recovery

pri-fly primary flight control

prim primary

prim msn primary mission

prin principal

proj projectile

prop propeller

prox proximity

PS chloropicrin

psi pound per square inch

psn position

PSYOP Psychological Operations

pt point

PT physical training

pvt private

PW prisoner of war

PZ pickup zone

QMC Quartermaster Corps

R reinforcing

RA Regular Army

RA rocket assisted

radn radiation

RAM radar-absorbent material

RAP rocket assisted projectile

RC reserve component

rct recruit

rcvr receiver

rd round

rd/min rounds per minute

rdo radio

rdr radar

recon reconnaissance

reg regular

regt regiment

rel release

res reserve

resp responsibility; responsible

RF radio frequency

rfl refuel, refuelling

RH rhesus

RHA rolled homogeneous armor

RISTA reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition

rkt rocket

RMP reprogrammable processor

RN Royal Navy

ROTC reserve officer training corps

ROV [битая ссылка] remotely operated vehicle

RP release point

rpm rotations per minute; rounds per minute

rr rear

RRC Regional Readiness Command

RRG Regional Readiness Group

RS radar set

RSO Regional Security Officer

RT radiotelephony

RTT Recapture Tactics Team

RV re-entry vehicle

RW rotary-wing

RWR radar warning receiver

S survivability

S1 (14) personnel officer

S2 (14) intelligence officer

S3 (14) operations and training officer

S4 (14) logistics officer; supply officer

S6 (14) signal officer

SA Secretary of the Army

SA small arms

SAC Strategic Air Command

SAF Secretary of the Air Force

SAG surface action group

SAM surface-to-air missile

SAP semiarmor piercing

SAR search and rescue

sat satellite

SatCom satellite communications

SAW squad automatic weapon

SCATMINE scatterable mine

scd scheduled

sct scout

sct hel scout helicopter

sct plat scout platoon

scty security

SD situation display

SEAD suppression of enemy air defense

sec second

sec section

secd secondary

SECAF Secretary of the Air Force

SECDEF Secretary of Defense

SECNAV Secretary of the Navy

secy secretary

SF Special Forces

SF sustained fire

SFW sensor fused weapon

SG smoke generator

sgt sergeant

SHORAD short-range air defense

shp shaft horse power

sig signal

SigC Signal Corps

SIGCEN, sigcen signal center

SIGINT signals intelligence

SINCGARS single channel ground and airborne radio system

sit situation

SJA staff judge advocate

SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile

SLCM sea-launched cruise missile

SMDC US Army Space and Missile Defense Command

SMFD secondary multifunction display

smg submachine gun

SN service number

SN secretary of the Navy

snd sound

SOA separate operating agency

SOCOM US Special Operations Command

sol soldier

sonar sound navigation and ranging

SOP standing operating procedure

SOUTHCOM US Southern Command

SP self-propelled

sp special, specialist

SP start point

SPACECOM US Space Command

SPCE survey, planning and coordination element

spd speed

spt support

SQ superquick

sqd squad

sqdn squadron

SRBM short-range ballistic missile

SS spin-stabilized

SSA staff-support agency

SSBN (fleet) ballistic missile submarine (nuclear propulsion)

SSGN guided missile submarine (nuclear propulsion)

SSM surface-to-surface missile

SSN attack submarine (nuclear propulsion)

SSN social security number

SSR secondary surveillance radar

sta station

stblz stabilizer

std standard

str strength

strat strategic

STRATCOM US Strategic Command

sub submarine

SUBGRU submarine group

subor subordinate

subron submarine squadron

sup supply

SUPCOM support command

sups supplies

sur surface

survl surveillance

SUW surface warfare

svc service

svc ammo service ammunition

SVML standard vehicle missile launcher

sys system


T&E traversing and elevating

TA target acquisition

TA theater army

TAB target acquisition battery

TAC Tactical Air Command

tac tactical

TACAN tactical air navigation

TASM tactical air-to-surface missile

TBM theatre ballistic missile

TC Transportation Corps

TCAS traffic alert and collision avoidance system

TE Task Element

tech technical

tel telephone

telecomm telecommunications

TERCOM terrain contour matching

TF task force

tfc traffic

TFR terrain following radar

TG task group

tg telegraph

TGB tail gearbox

tgt target

THAAD Theater High Altitude Area Defense

tj trajectory

tk tank

tk bn tank battalion

tm team

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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Похожие на Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии - Б. Киселев книги

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