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Читем онлайн Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии - Б. Киселев






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GLCM ground-launched cruise missile

gli glider

GM guided missile

GMLA guided missile launch assembly

gnd ground

gnd cbt ground combat

gnd recon ground reconnaissance

gnr gunner

gp group

GP general purpose

GPMG general purpose machine gun

GPS Global Positioning System

GPWS ground proximity warning system

gr grade

GS general support

GSR general support reinforcing

GTP ground tactical plan

GZ ground zero

HD (sulphur) mustard

HDD head-down display

HDTV high-definition television

HE high-explosive

HEAT (122) high explosive antitank

HEAT proj (122) high explosive antitank projectile

HEDP high-explosive dual purpose

hel helicopter

HEMAT heavy expanded mobility ammunition trailer

HEMTT heavy expanded mobility tactical truck

HEP high-explosive plastic

HERA high-explosive rocket assisted

HF high frequency

HHB headquarters and headquarters battery

HHC headquarters and headquarters company

HHD headquarters and headquarters detachment

HHS headquarters, headquarters and service

HHT headquarters and headquarters troop

HIMAD high-to-medium-altitude air defense

HIMARS [битая ссылка] High Mobility Artillery Rocket System

HMD helmet-mounted display

HMG heavy machine gun

HMMWV High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle

HN nitrogen mustard

horiz horizontal

horiz stblz horizontal stabilizer

HOTAS hands on throttle and stick

how howitzer

HP, hp horsepower

HQ, hq headquarters

HQ co headquarters company

HQDA headquarters, department of the army

HQ ech headquarters echelon

HQMC Headquarters, Marine Corps

HQ USAF Headquarters US Air Force

hr hour

HTA acft heavier-than-air aircraft

HUD head-up display

HUMINT human intelligence

HVAP hypervelocity armor-piercing

HVM hypervelocity missile

HVU high value unit

I2R sys imaging infrared system

IC internal combustion

ICAW integrated caution, advisory and warning

ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile

ICM improved conventional munition

ICP integrated control panel

ID identification document

ident identification

IFF identification friend-or-foe

IFV infantry fighting vehicle

IG inspector general

IGB intermediate gearbox

ILS instrument landing system

IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee

in inch

IN inertial navigation

incd incendiary

inf infantry

info information

ING Inactive National Guard

INS inertial navigation system

instal installation

instl installation

intel intelligence

IOE irregular outer edge

IOS instrumental observation and survey

IR infrared

IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile

IRR Individual Ready Reserve

ISR intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance

ITW/AA integrated tactical warning and attack assessment

JAG Judge Advocate General

JAGC Judge Advocate General’s Corps

JCC joint command and control ship

JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff

JDAM joint direct attack munition

JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander

JFCOM US Joint Forces Command

JS joint staff

JTF joint task force

KE kinetic energy

KE proj kinetic energy projectile

KIA killed in action

kph kilometer per hour

kt knot

KV kill vehicle

L lewisite

LAAB Light Armored Assault Battalion

LANTFLT Atlantic Fleet

LANTIRN Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night

LAR launch acceptance region

laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

LAV Light Armored Vehicle

lb pound

LBP length between perpendiculars

LCAC landing craft, air cushion

LCC amphibious command ship

LCE logistics combat element

lchr launcher

LCS littoral combat ship

LDGP low-drag general purpose

ldr leader

LDS light decontamination system

LG landing gear

LGB laser-guided bomb

LHA amphibious assault ship (general purpose)

LHD amphibious assault ship (multi-purpose)

LIDAR light radar

LJDAM laser joint direct attack munition

LLM launcher-loader module

LMG light machine gun

LOA length overall

LOC line (s) of communication

loc location

log logistic; logistical

LOGGRU (combat) logistics group

LORAN long range navigation

LPC launch pod container

LPD amphibious transport dock

LS launching station

LSD dock landing ship

LTA acft lighter-than-air aircaft

LTC lieutenant colonel

Lt. Col lieutenant colonel

LWL length on load waterline

LWR laser warning receiver

LZ landing zone

M mobility

MAC Military Airlift Command

MACOM major command

MAGTF Marine Air Ground Task Force

maint maintenance

maint sec maintenance section

MAJ major

MAJCOM major command

MANPADS man-portable air defense system

MARDIV Marine Division

MARFOR Marine Corps Forces

MARFORCOM Marine Forces Command

MARFORLANT Marine Forces Atlantic

MARFORPAC Marine Forces Pacific

MARFORRES Marine Forces Reserve

MaRV maneuverable re-entry vehicle

maser microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

MAW Marine Aircraft Wing

max maximum

mbl mobile

mbr member

MBT main ballast tank

MBT main battle tank

MC Marine Corps

MC Medical Corps

MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Command

MCB mine-clearing blade

MCDU multifunction control display unit

MCM mine countermeasures ship

mcmron mine countermeasures squadron

MCR mine-clearing roller

MCSF MC Security Forces

M-day sol man-day soldier

MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade

mech mechanized

mech inf mechanized infantry

mech inf bn mechanized infantry battalion

mech inf co mechanized infantry company

mech inf div mechanized infantry division

med medical

MEDCOM US Army Medical Command

med spt medical support

MEF Marine Expeditionary Force

met meteorological

MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit

MFD multifunction display

mfld minefield

MG, mg machine gun

MGB main gearbox

MGB medium girder bridge

MHC mine hunter, coastal

mi mile

MI Military Intelligence

MIA missing in action

mic microphone

MICLIC mine-clearing line charge

mil military

mil ops military operations

min minimum

MIRV multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle

misc miscellaneous

MLC military load classification

MLG Marine Logistics Group

MLRS (67) multiple launch rocket system

MLS microwave landing system

MMG medium machine gun

mnvr, mvr maneuver

mob mobile

MOPP mission-oriented protective posture

mort mortar

mort sec mortar section

MOS military occupational specialty

MP military police

MPC Military Police Corps

mph miles per hour

MR main rotor

MRBM medium-range ballistic missile

MRE meals ready to eat

MSB main support battalion

MSC Medical Service Corps

MSC Military Sealift Command

msec millisecond

MSG Marine Security Guard

msg message

msgr messenger

msl missile

msl whd missile warhead

msn mission

MSR main supply route

MST maintenance support team

MT mechanical time

MTMC US Army Military Traffic Management Command

mtr motor

mvmt movement

mvr maneuver

mvr bn maneuver battalion

mvr elm maneuver element

MWR missile warning receiver

NAF numbered air force

NBC nuclear, biological and chemical

NCA National Command Authority

NCO noncommissioned officer

NCW Network-Centric Warfare; Netcentric Warfare

ND Navy Department

NDO nuclear deterrence operations

NDU National Defense University

nec necessary

NECC Navy Expeditionary Combat Command

NETF naval expeditionary task force

NG National Guard

NIIN national item identification number

NMAWC Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command

noncom noncommissioned officer

NORAD North American Aerospace Defense

NOTAR no tail rotor

NSC National Security Council

NSFS naval surface fire support

NSN national stock number; NATO stock number

nuc nuclear

nuc atk nuclear attack

nuc wpn nuclear weapon

NVG night vision goggles

obj objective

obs obstacle

obsn observation

obsn hel observation helicopter

OCA offensive counterair

OCAR Office of the Chief, Army Reserve

OCS officer candidate school

OCSA Office of the Chief of Staff, US Army

OD officer of the day

OD olive drab

OF Operating Force (s)

off officer

OOD officer of the deck

op operation

OP observation post

OPCON operational control

opn operation

opns scty operations security

ord ordnance

Ord C Ordnance Corps

orgn organization

OSA Office of the Secretary of the Army

OSB option selection button

OSD office of the Secretary of Defense

PA Public Affairs

PAC personnel and administration center

PACAF Pacific Air Forces

PACFLT Pacific Fleet

PACOM US Pacific Command

pantel panoramic telescope

PATRIOT Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept on Target

PBR river patrol craft

PC coastal patrol craft

pcht parachute

PD point-detonating

perm permanent

pers personnel

PFD primary flight display

PIBD point-initiating base-detonating

PGM precision guided munitions

PGRV precision-guided re-entry vehicle

PHIBGRU amphibious group

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Похожие на Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии - Б. Киселев книги

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